A Petal in the Wind II: Lala Hafstein, by Miko Johnston
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A Petal in the Wind II: Lala Hafstein, by Miko Johnston
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Luska, the orphaned girl introduced in A Petal in the Wind, begins a new life in Bohemia as Lala Hafstein, adopted daughter of Jakob and Sarah. It’s 1914; Lala is now a young woman with one desire—to study art—but her parents won’t let her reside alone in Prague. She contrives a marriage to her childhood friend and art student Armin, her father’s wealthy employer’s son; she would be free to join him, and he could silence gossip about his disinterest in women. Armin agrees, but Lala’s heart is troubled. Both families are thrilled about the engagement, and now Armin is too—believing they can make the marriage “real.” Lala is shocked when she uncovers proof Armin and his male classmate are more than just good friends. But with both families intent on the marriage, and Lala wearing the heirloom family engagement ring—how can she renege? She’s haunted by a recurring vision—at her easel wearing her ring, and feeling the warm embrace of her true beloved, unseen behind her. How could this splendid dream ever come true? As both families travel to Berlin for Armin’s art show on August first, a desperate Lala devises a way to change her destiny—but no one is prepared for the horror that begins that momentous night. As the world around her plunges into war and fate drops a surprising hint about her repeating dream, Lala finds she must battle the nightmares of the past, or risk being set adrift again—like a petal in the wind.
A Petal in the Wind II: Lala Hafstein, by Miko Johnston- Amazon Sales Rank: #2142622 in eBooks
- Published on: 2015-10-16
- Released on: 2015-10-16
- Format: Kindle eBook
About the Author Miko Johnston first contemplated a writing career as a poet at age six. That notion ended four years later when she found no “help wanted” ads for poets in the classified section, but her desire to write persisted. After graduating from New York University, she headed west to pursue a career as a television and print journalist before deciding she preferred, to paraphrase Mark Twain, the more believable realm of fiction. Her first novel, A Petal In The Wind, was published in 2014. Her short story, “By Anonymous,” was published in the Sisters in Crime anthology Last Exit To Murder, and two of her short stories are featured in the anthology Write Around Whidbey. Miko lives with her rocket scientist husband Allan on Whidbey Island in Washington.
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Most helpful customer reviews
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. The Journey Continues By Gayle Bartos-Pool A lie can save you or curse you. For Lala Hafstein, she has experienced both. As a young child fleeing the Cossacks in Russia, she managed to save herself by fabricating a new life with the help of her adopted parents.Now living in Bohemia, Lala is a young woman with dreams, but the art of deception has been woven into her being. She desires to attend art school in Prague, but her parents won’t allow her to live there alone. Lala seeks the help of Armin, a young artist who happens to be the son of her father’s employer. Armin also hides a deep secret, but Lala’s plan might work to his advantage, too. More deception.The plan is to marry, but love isn’t in the picture. His parents seem happy, but are they? Her parents finally get the partial truth out of Lala, but is it to late? The families meet in Berlin in August of 1914, to see an art show of Armin’s work and to announce the wedding plans, but something bigger is coming that will change the lives of everyone.The deep-seated memories Lala has suppressed all these years are coming to the surface. Can she face the truth after she has built much of her life on lies? Will she have the strength to survive and will there be love in her life?This is the second in the three book series. A compelling read.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Easy read and I must say this writer must be ... By susan van Vonno This book was a real page turner. I had a hard time putting it down. Easy read and I must say this writer must be a historian. I enjoyed this as much as I did the first one. I would sugest reading the first one, Petal in the Wind and then this.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A Fascinating Follow-up By BKSchroeder In this highly enjoyable second book in a series, the orphaned Luska who first appeared in A Petal in the Wind Book I has matured into Lala Hafstein, a happy young woman living near Prague with her adoptive parents in the early years of the 20th Century. The trauma of her past presumably behind her, Lala is about to embark on a new life as an art student and a wife. Fate, however, has other plans for her, and as the story unspools, the grownup Lala gets ample opportunity to show what she’s made of. She turns out to be as smart and resourceful as the endearing child introduced in the first book. Johnston has clearly researched the time and place in which this story is set—the eve of World War I in Bohemia and Germany—and proves a skillful narrator who gives the reader just enough detail to fully visualize the scenes. The cast of characters is varied and believable, the storyline contains many surprises to keep the pages turning, and the reader shares in the suspense up to the final pages—which provide a satisfying conclusion that also sets the stage for Book III.
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